Swimrun is a trial in which multiple running tracks are combined with multiple open water swimming sections, one after the other without interruptions. You will swim with footwear and that's why you are allowed to use hand paddles and pull buoy. In the Northern countries, Swim Run has become very popular since 2005, and Neda el Món is going to be the first to organize one in the South of Europe, more precisely in Barcelona!
The Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona (Cabrera de Mar-Castell de Buriac-Pont del Petroli), Spanish Championchip, will give its participants the challenge to outperform themselves, running and swimming near one of the most beautiful cities: Barcelona. The race will take place at the Catalan capital’s coast, with two different starts, one in Cabrera de Mar and the other in Premià de Mar, and the finish will be in Badalona. The first race will go along the fabulous Castell de Buriac, in Cabrera de Mar. You can choose the team format or to participate individually.
Sector 1 - 11,3k run - Cabrera - Burriac - Cabrera
Sector 2 - 0,5k swim - Cabrera Mar - Vilassar Mar
Sector 3 - 1,5k run - Vilassar de Mar
Sector 4 - 0,4k swim - Vilassar de Mar
Sector 5 - 1,8k run - Vilassar de Mar - Premià de Mar
Sector 6 - 0,8k swim - Premià de Mar
Sector 7 - 2,1k run - Premià de Mar - El Masnou
Sector 8 - 0,9k swim - El Masnou
Sector 9 - 1,7k run - El Masnou
Sector 10 - 0,6k swim - El Masnou
Sector 11 - 4,3k run - El Masnou - Alella
Sector 12 - 0,9k run - El Masnou - Montgat
Sector 13 - 0,7k swim - Montgat
Sector 14 - 3,1k run - Montgat - Badalona
Sector 15 - 0,9k swim - Badalona (Pont del Petroli)
Sector 16 - 0,5k run - Badalona (Pont del Petroli)
One challenge, three distances
You can choose between three races: 32.8km, 21.4km and 11.9km.
The 32.8km route is divided in 9 running sections, altogether 27.5km (84%) and going up 601m, and 7 swimming sections, altogether 5.2km (16%). The start will be at the Cabrera de Mar beach, and the finish at the Pont del Petroli at the Badalona Seafront Promenade.
The 21.4km route is divided in 8 running sections, altogether 16.2km (76%) and going up 177m, and 7 swimming sections, altogether 5.2km (24%). The start will be at the Cabrera de Mar beach, and the finish at the Pont del Petroli at the Badalona Seafront Promenade.
The 11.9km route is divided in 5 running sections, altogether 8.5km (72%) and going up 51m, and 4 swimming sections, altogether 3.3km (28%). The start will be at the Premià de Mar beach and the finish at the Pont de Petroli at the Badalona Seafront Promenade.
- The team 32.8 k-race will define the Swimrun Champions of Spain.
- There will be Champions of Spain in male, female and mixed category.
- There will be a general classification of the race.
- In addition, a differentiated classification with the Spanish teams will be issued for the Spanish Championship.
- Each team consists of two people.
- The inscription is per team, so, two people, one inscription.
- The inscription price TEAM is per team.
- The teams can be two men, two women, or one man and one woman. There will be awards for these three categories at the three different distances.
Individual inscription
- There is the option to register individually to each of the three distances.
- There will be classification, and individual awards in male and female category.
- During the process of individual registration you must also define a team name and repeat the email of the individual participant in the "email" box.
- Race Bag Pick-up. The kit will be handed to you the day before the event, at 6pm at Escola de Vela El Masnou. How to arrive.
- Briefing. There will be an informative briefing session in English for the participants the day before the event, at 7pm at Escola de Vela El Masnou.
- Transfer to the starting lines. The organisation will provide transfer, from the meeting point at the finish line in Badalona, to the two starting lines in Cabrera de Mar and Premià de Mar.
- Cloakroom service. There will be a cloakroom service for all the participants at the finish line.
- Checkpoints and food and drink supplies. The organisation will fix checkpoints and food and drink supplies during the race. The participants will be offered food and drinks at the finish line.
- Physiotherapy. On arrival a physiotherapy service will be offered by a team of professionals from El Quinto Meta.
- Showers. There will be showers available for all participants at the arrival area at the Badalona Swimming Pool.
- Security/Medical Service. There will be medically equipped pneumatic boats at the swim sections and first aid equipment and ambulances along the run sections.
- Insurance. All swimmers and all volunteers will have liability insurance and an insurance against accidents.
Specific regulations
- All participants must carry their whole equipment from the start till the finish line. There will be controls of the required material before the start and during the race. In case a team breaks this rule, they will automatically be disqualified.
- Both members of teams that participate at the 32km must send, at last 6 days before the event, a sport medical certificate which authorizes them to practice physical exercise. This certificate must be sent to info@nedaelmon.com. No team will be allowed to start the race without this sport medical certificate.
- Both members of the team must stay together all the time. They can’t separate more tan 10m during the running or the swimming.
- All participants are obliged to immediately attend any other participant in case of emergency, helping this person in situ as well as informing the organisation as soon as possible.
- The organisation can forbid a team to continue if they don’t carry their equipment as stipulated before, or if the physical condition of one of the members of a team doesn’t allow him/her to go on.
- Any floatation or propulsion help must not surpass 100cmx60cm and must be carried all the way during the race, from the start till the finish line.
- Any mechanical or automatic help is forbidden.
Open circuit
- The running sections will be open, so there will be pedestrians as well as supporters of the event around. The organisation will call on all participants and bystanders to exercise mutual respect.
- The race will be run through delicate natural environments (sea, beaches, walkways, paths…) and all participants are required to respect the surroundings, and not to throw litter along the track.
Recommended equipment
- Wetsuit (one for each participant).
Compulsory equipment
- Goggles (a pair for each participant).
- Swim run footwear (a pair for each participant).
- A swim whistle the organisation will give you (one for each participant).
- The chip the organisation will give you (one for each participant).
- The roadmap the organisation will give you (one each participant).
- A numbered swim cap that the organisation will give you and that you must put on during the swimming (one for each participant).
Optional equipment
- A cell phone to be able to inform about potential incidences (one per team).
- ISHOF Neda el Món watertight buoy or similar for your safety while swimming and in order to carry your cell phone (one per team).
- A waist bag for your kit and food and drink supply (one per team).
- A clip in order to fasten the ISHOF Neda el Món watertight buoy or similar during the run sections.
- A rope/elastic band to stay together in the water (maximum 10m).
- Gels and/or bars.
- Floatation or propulsion helps (hand paddles, pull buoy).