This weekend a group of swimmers will leave to Sardinia to explore the coastal area between Isola Maddalena, Costa Smerlda and Isola de Tavolara. It will be four days on board a sailboat where we will swim in crystalline waters and coves in a paradisiac environment.
The routes that we would like to do during these four days are the following:
7.0K Isola Budelli
5.5K Bassa Trinita – Cala Francese
2.5K Cala Caprarese – Spiaggia Garibaldi
2.6K Punta Coticcio – Cala Brigantina
5.0K Isola Mortorio
4.8K Isola Soffi
8.5K Isola di Molara (distància curta 2.6K)
4.1K La Pippara – Capo Coda Cavallo
If you would like to receive more info on this expedition contact us.
On June 16th, a group of swimmers and swimmers flocked to the island of Sa Dragonera. For two years now Neda el Mundo opts for a smaller format of passage that aims to claim the enjoyment of the sea, rather than the competitive aspect of open water crossings.
This year, the participants of the swim were able to swim in a practically flat sea and with unbeatable wind conditions. The jellyfish took their heads mainly to the final part of the journey and made the guitza some swimmers and swimmers, who brave, completed the 9,500 meters of course.
Thank you very much to MallorKayak to come and support our swimmers, and THANKS, swimmers for your confidence!
On October 7th, it will take place the 1st Neda el Món Swim Run Llançà – El Port de la Selva that runs along the Costa Brava North and has two distances: 10K and 28K, being the starting point the beach of Llançà, and arriving at the fishing village of El Port de la Selva.
The distance of 28K passes, in one of its sections, by the Paratge de l'Albera, a protected natural area of scenic interest.
Ajuntament de Llançà, Ajuntament del Port de la Selva, Ajuntament de Colera, Club Nàutic El Port de la Selva, Sala Salut.
Click on the image to see the track.
Click on the image to see the track.

On June 16th we will swim in Sa Dragonera!
Sa Dragonera is located in the westside of Mallorca, opposite the western coast of the municipality of Andratx, and very close to the town of Sant Elm. It is a discreet little islet, which has the beauty of home-made things.
The Sa Dragonera Natural Park is formed by the islets of Es Pantaleu, Sa Mitjana, and the Calafats reefs. It is one of the Balearic islets with the greatest conservation interest due to its bio-ecological and landscape aspects. Without a doubt it is a spectacular swim!
The area where we will swim, Sa Dragonera, is a long islet (4 kilometers) and quite narrow (one kilometer maximum), with a surface area of ??288 ha and 352 meters high at its peak. It is a prolongation of the Serra de Tramuntana, and it reproduces on a small scale the basic structural features of it, inclined towards the southeast and cliffs to the northwest.
On June 16 we will swim around the Sa Dragonera Park on a 9.5K crossing.
If you want to register, do not hesitate and click here.