From Rhodes to Marmaris, from Greece to Turkey, from Europe to Asia. This is the challenge that our coach Jonathan Gómez has also signed up to. Jonny will be in person at the first edition of Rhodes Marmaris that we will celebrate from October 7 to 15, 2023.
It's been many years since Neda el Món and Jonathan Gómez have gone hand in hand. And so it continues to be. Jonny leads the training that we prepare for all the swimmers who are preparing for the great challenges of this 2023: Gibraltar, Bonifacio, Rhodes Marmaris, Menorca Mallorca and Cap de Creus.
The adventure has begun. Do you join us?
This past weekend 15th and 16th April we organised the first of the 5 Training Camps planned for 2023 for the swimmers who have registered at the crossings with Neda el Món. On Saturday, after the kick-off briefing, we run a pool session led by our great coach Jonathan Gómez, and on Sunday we did a 6km sea training around Arenys de Mar.
We are sold out for Gibraltar, but there are still 3 registrations for Bonifacio, 1 for Rhodes Marmaris, 2 for Menorca Mallorca and 8 for Cap de Creus. Don't miss it! There are already 63 swimmers who have accepted the challenges of Neda el Món this 2023. If you want to be the next one, don't think too much!
We need you! Do you want to kayak or paddle surf for Medes 2023? Do you want to support the swimmers at Medes 2023 as a kayaker or paddle surfer? You just need to write to us at info@nedaelmon.com and we will inform you about the consideration and all the logistics.
Let's make Medes a swimming party again!
Last week we made the technical visit to Menorca and Mallorca to close all the preparations for the Menorca - Mallorca Channel.
The Menorca - Mallorca Channel is the most extreme challenge of Neda el Món: to cross the 37 km that separate the island of Menorca from the island of Mallorca, the 37 km that separate Cap d'Andrutx (in Menorca) and Cala Fumada (in Mallorca). A challenge with capital letters that with Neda the Món will be easier. And it will be easier because Neda el Món puts all its means to make it: training planning during the previous 5 months, training sessions in Barcelona once a month and all the logistics to support the swimmer during the challenge. Solo, or in groups of 2, or in groups of 4, or by relays of 2 or relays of 4.
Here you have all the info.
Only 3 weeks to register to the Neda el Món Illes Medes per la Marató de TV3 by ZOGGS that we will run on the 7th May. Medes is a unique and very special open waters event. Very special for two reasons: because it is the only solidarity open waters event from Catalonia which destinates 100% of the benefits to the TV3 Marathon, and because it takes place at the Medes Islands Natural Park, a superlative natural environment.
From year 2022 onwards, Neda el Món transformed this open waters competition into a great event: You will be able to choose the length of the crossing according to your swimming possibilities, there will be a crossing for kids, the best brands will be displayed and a meet-and-greet with the best swimmers.
Here you have all the info.