Neda el Món 2016 calendar
Start planning your 2016 swim's calendar! Here are some of the proposals that we offer you from Neda el Món.
Take a look at and start now planning for the season!
Happy New Year, swim addict!
Start planning your 2016 swim's calendar! Here are some of the proposals that we offer you from Neda el Món.
Take a look at and start now planning for the season!
Happy New Year, swim addict!
Registrations are open for the 4th Neda el Món Formigues Islands - Medes Islands swim that will take place on September 24th, 2016. The longest swim of all open sea crossings annually held in Catalonia: 22.3 Km!
Sign in before December 31st, 2015 and you will get a discount on the registration fee.
You will be able to also enjoy from now and for free of the training plan that Neda el Món organizes for the swim addicts that are getting ready to cross the Straits of Gibraltar. Both online and on-site workouts, with a training test in the Bernat Picornell Swimming Pools (Barcelona) on February 20 (to set the level groups) and 4 open water training sessions during 2016.
More information and registrations here. Join the #NeMFormiguesMedes2016 challenge!
Swimming across the Straits of Gibraltar is one of the greatest challenges that an open water swimmer can have, and at Neda el Món we want you to make it real. If it is also your dream, join the group and come with us to reach Africa!
The pack includes the arrangements and the ACNEG payment, besides travel costs, accommodation, internal transfers and previous group training supervised by Neda el Món's Club technical staff.
In addition, we will offer you the Swim Addict pack, which allows you to participate free of charge to all the crossings in the 2016 Neda el Món calendar (except for Formigues Islands- Medes Islands and SwimHolidays).
Join us and make your dream of crossing the Straits come true!
Find complete information on this link.
Wishing you and your loved ones that this Christmas becomes a sea full of hope and that 2016 brings us all waves of health and swim addiction!
A big hug from the whole Neda el Món team. :)
This is the final podium of the I Neda el Món Open Waters League 2015 after celebrating the 2nd Neda el Món SwimBarcelona Saint Sylvester swim.
Male category
Female category
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
Read more about the Neda el Món Open Waters League or find out how to participate in the 2016 edition by checking out this link.
Do you want ant to improve your swimming technique and enjoy more of each swim? Join the Neda El Món Club!
With group sessions at the Bernat Picornell Swimming Pools and sea workouts in the Barceloneta beach, 20% discounts on the Crossings and Clinics of our calendar, group outings to swim on the sea and many other advantages.
Either you choose the weekly or the monthly option, the training sessions are 2 hours long and they are composed by a dryland workout (Thera-Band®), a swimming technique workout and a swimming endurance workout. There is also an online option.
Read all the details and schedule at this link or send us and e-mail to for any question you may have.
Make a major step forward in your open water performance!
Hello swim addicts!
Here you have the classification for the 2nd Neda el Món SwimBarcelona Saint Sylvester:
Thanks so much to everyone for coming! Thanks also to all the sponsors, contributors and volunteers who once again made possible this swim.
Merry Christmas!
Photo: SUPBarcelona
March 11, 12 and 13 in Calella, 195 € all included.
The third edition of the Neda el Món Training Camp is just around the corner! 3 days at the Crol Centre of Calella (Barcelona), with open water swimming sessions as well as sessions at the swimming pool. There will also be other contents aimed to improve your knowledge and performance: mental preparation, a presentation of Sailfish wetsuits, nutrition, recovering, stretching, dry land training, ...
Coordinated by the Neda el Món Club technical staff. With accomodation in a double room and all meals included for only 195 €!
We have not even closed 2015 (we are waiting for you on December 20th for the 2nd Neda el Món SwimBarcelona Saint Sylvester!), but we already have a first draft of the calendar for 2016.
Take a look at it and start now planning for the season!
Grab this Neda el Món safety dry bag with light! Perfect for cloudy days or for those mists that surprise you during your training.
It also has a sealed compartment inside for you to carry your keys, mobile, flip-flops, etc.
Size: 64 x 30 cm.
Next December 20 join us for the 2nd Neda el Món SwimBarcelona Saint Sylvester and bring a toy for the collection campaign that Neda el Món and SUP Barcelona are organizing, with the help of and in benefit of the Red Cross Youth.
A children's book, colors, a board game, a ball ... Let's make Christimas reach everywhere so no child is left without a toy!
Remember that toys must be:
See all the details about this campaign in
Thanks for your cooperation and see you very soon!
Don't know what to give to a swim addict?
There are plenty of interesting ideas on our website: the registration to a swim event, a safety buoy for open water swimmers, some training aids, a t-shirt, ...
If the problem is that you cannot decide, the right choice is to buy a Neda el Món gift voucher! Choose the value (20 €, 40 €, 50 €, 80 € o 100 €) and give some swim addiction, you'll hit the right present for sure!
Do not miss the video of the 6th Neda el Món Zoggs Medes Islands Marató TV3 that was held last November 1st.
Thanks Tuath Studio!
Enjoy free shipping on purchases you make at our online store until December 31st.
Enter the code ENVIOGRATIS and the 5 € shipping cost to the Iberian Peninsula will be discounted. If you live outside the Peninsula you can also enter this code and shipping costs will be reduced by that amount.
Take the opportunity to give you the yellow drybag you have your heart stolen, or start planning for Christmas presents for your nearest swim addicts!
Swim addicts! We have the official list of winners of the I Neda el Món Open Waters League 2015!
Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
The top three swimmers in both male and female categories will receive a free registration to the II Neda el Món Open Waters League 2016; and the winners will receive also a free registration to the 4th Neda el Món Formigues Islands Medes Islands swim.
Prizes will be delivered during the 2nd Neda el Món SwimBarcelona Saint Sylvester, held on 20 December 2015.
Read more about the Neda el Món Open Waters League or find out how to participate in the 2016 edition by checking out this link.
Neda el Món safety dry bag for open water swimmers. Make your order now and receive it before Christmas!
The Neda el Món dry bag is specifically designed to provide a safety aide for open water swimmers, serving four important functions without hindering performance or hindering your stroke.
Available in two sizes and 3 colours (yellow, orange and pink):
Swimming across the Straits of Gibraltar is one of the greatest challenges that an open water swimmer can have, and at Neda el Món we want you to make it real. If it is also your dream, join the group and come with us to reach Africa!
The pack includes the arrangements and the ACNEG payment, besides travel costs, accommodation, internal transfers and previous group training supervised by Neda el Món's Club technical staff.
In addition, we will offer you the Swim Addict pack, which allows you to participate free of charge to all the crossings in the 2016 Neda el Món calendar (except for Formigues Islands- Medes Islands and SwimHolidays).
Join us and make your dream of crossing the Straits come true!
Find complete information on this link.
Registrations are open for the 4th Neda el Món Formigues Islands - Medes Islands swim that will take place on September 24th, 2016. The longest swim of all open sea crossings annually held in Catalonia: 22.3 Km!
Sign in before December 31st, 2015 and you will get a discount on the registration fee.
You will be able to also enjoy from now and for free of the training plan that Neda el Món organizes for the swim addicts that are getting ready to cross the Straits of Gibraltar. Both online and on-site workouts, with a training test in the Bernat Picornell Swimming Pools (Barcelona) on February 20 (to set the level groups) and 4 open water training sessions during 2016.
More information and registrations here. Join the #NeMFormiguesMedes2016 challenge!