The 1st Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona by Wetness will be the 1st Spanish Swimrun Championship!


Campionat Espanya Swimrun

The 1st Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona by Wetness that will take place next November 20 between Cabrera de Mar (Castle of Burriac) and Badalona (Petroleum Bridge ), will also be the 1st Spanish Swimrun Championship!

The 1st swimrun in the Catalan capital will have three distances to choose from, of 32.8 km, 21.4 km and 11.9 km. The distances that will crown the first Spanish Swimrun Champions will be 32.8 km, with 27.5 km running and 5.2 km swimming.

The categories that fall into the Championship of Spain are male, female and mixed couples.

Check all the details and be a part of in this unique event! See you there!

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