September 20: presentation of the 1st Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona by Wetness
On Tuesday 20th at 6:00 pm we will hold the presentation of the 1st Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona by Wetness · 1st Swimrun Spanish Championship!
It will take place in the Town Hall of Badalona with the presence of the athletes Valenti Sanjuan and Pedro Garcia Aguado, as well as some outstanding swimrunners from the Orca Team as Santi Pellejero, Francis Lanuza, Fanny Dankwardt-Lillieström, Pär Kristoffersson, Sara Carmona and Miriam Garcia.
You are all invited!
Badalona Town Hall - Department of Culture
Plaça de l'Assemblea de Catalunya 9, 08911 Badalona
Buclenet IT Systems
9/15/2016 11:29:03 AM