Swimrun training pack for free with your registration!
Registrations for the 1st Neda el Món Swimrun Barcelona by Wetness are now opened! All details on this link.
It will take place on November 20 and you'll be able to choose amongst 3 distances: 32.830 m - 21.470 m - 11.910 m.
Besides, your registration includes a 3 month swimrun training pack for you to get ready for this challenge! The pack consists of weekly online workouts and once a month training sessions.
Swimrun is a new sporting discipline for a team of two people in which multiple running tracks are combined with multiple open water swimming sections, one after the other without interruptions. In the Northern countries, swimrun has become very popular since 2005, and Neda el Món wanted to bring it to Barcelona.
To make things easier you can also participate on your own, with no partner. You choose!
Buclenet IT Systems
7/28/2016 10:15:41 AM