Extra activities Prades Siurana swim
Are you registered for the 4th Prades Siurana swim? Subscribe also to the extra activities you can do with us during the weekend!
Prades excursion
We’ve prepared a (free) two hours excursion, in the Prades Mountains. It will be on Saturday April 26th, the day before the 4th Prades Siurana Crossing. It is meant to be done by the whole family, no age limits. We’ll come together at 4.30pm at the Prades Town Hall. Everybody interested, please click the following link for booking.
Closure Lunch
After the 4th Prades Siurana Crossing there will be a closure lunch at the Prades “Centre Cívic”. We will have salads as a starter and paella as a main course. The cost is 14 € for adults and 9 € for kids. You can buy your tickets on the following link.
If you have not registered yet, do so before April 17 and take advantage of a reduced registration price!
Buclenet IT Systems
4/16/2014 11:54:05 AM