New Edition 2017!
SAILFISH launches the ideal neoprene for Swim Run competitions that take place in our country with warmer temperatures than in the events of central and northern Europe. With a thickness of 1.5 to 2mm will be ideal for the temperature in the water and above all for medium / high outdoor temperatures and is specially designed to be very light and comfortable in the segment of the race on foot where Swim wetsuits Run thicker penalize by excess heat and less freedom of movement.
It is an innovative material of breathable neoprene combined with a textile fabric, with which we will get better sensations in the tests of Swim Run in Mediterranean climates and during the two segments.
Front zip with emergency whistle included. Adjustable neck. Total flexibility. Two inside pockets and one rear exterior.
PVP: 199, - Euros - available during the month of May at SAILFISH points of sale throughout Spain. You can make your reservation now
Size chart
Product subject to availability of dealer
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Producte subjecte a disponibilitat del distribuidor
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